HL2 - Basic skybox tutorial?
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Mike Barnard
2005-01-04 23:16:32 UTC
Hi all.

Very quiet here, but here's hoping someone can give me a pointer.

I'm a NOOB (What horrible speling) at mapping, so I've been looking
through the basic tutorials. However I can't find out how to make a
sky / outside map effect.

I've googled and come up with The snarkpit, Valves editor reference
and a couple of other sites, but not found (so far) the basics on how
to correctly build a sky box around an outside map.

I've tried applying sky textures from the browse function of the
texture tool, but when I've applied a sky texture all I've ended up
with was a slightly graduated pattern on the wall.

I'm off to experiment some more, but it'd save a lot of time if
someone could explain in english or point me to a reader friendly

Thanks folks.
Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-04 23:58:20 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
I've tried applying sky textures from the browse function of the
texture tool, but when I've applied a sky texture all I've ended up
with was a slightly graduated pattern on the wall.
You need to add the skymap name to the map cproperties and use the sybox
texure on the walls
If you need a 3d skybox is a different ballgame

Look for samplemaps in something like:

- Peter
Mike Barnard
2005-01-05 15:32:33 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 00:58:20 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Post by Mike Barnard
I've tried applying sky textures from the browse function of the
texture tool, but when I've applied a sky texture all I've ended up
with was a slightly graduated pattern on the wall.
You need to add the skymap name to the map cproperties and use the sybox
texure on the walls
If you need a 3d skybox is a different ballgame
Thanks again Peter. Having read a little more I see the 3d skybox is
more than I want just now. So, I'm off to play with Hammer again and
look at these cproperties.
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
in \<uid>\sourcesdk\ there are 11 folders, several with the words
'sample' in the name. Burrowing down they are all empty. I wonder if
there's something else to do to populate them?
Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-05 16:46:39 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
in \<uid>\sourcesdk\ there are 11 folders, several with the words
'sample' in the name. Burrowing down they are all empty. I wonder if
there's something else to do to populate them?
I have the sample maps in:

If you ask me :-)

Delete both sourcesdk_content and sourcesdk folders
(take a backup first :-)
Steam will create the folders and repopluate the content

- Peter
Mike Barnard
2005-01-05 17:23:17 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 17:46:39 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Post by Mike Barnard
in \<uid>\sourcesdk\ there are 11 folders, several with the words
'sample' in the name. Burrowing down they are all empty. I wonder if
there's something else to do to populate them?
DOH and double DOH. Er, so do I. Dunno why it didn't show in the
search, but I have refreshed the SDK content and they're there now. I
was searching in sourcesdk not sourcesdk_content.

OK, more experimenting ahoy! Thanks.
Regards from Mike Barnard
South Coast, UK.

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-05 17:37:04 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
DOH and double DOH. Er, so do I. Dunno why it didn't show in the
search, but I have refreshed the SDK content and they're there now.
The search function in XP is somehwhat crippled by MS
Check this :-)

- Peter
Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-05 16:48:38 UTC
I wonder if there's something else to do to populate them?
Oh quite forgot
In the Source SDK window (Steam)
You can select refresh SDK Content
Try that first :-)

- Peter
Mike Barnard
2005-01-05 17:40:33 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 00:58:20 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
map cproperties
Hmmm. Gone through all the menus and googled and can't see where this
goes. Sigh...
Regards from The Pizza Man -UK-

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-05 17:54:52 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
Hmmm. Gone through all the menus and googled and can't see where this
goes. Sigh...
I'll be patient - at least I will try to :-)

Open a mapfile or create a new one
Third menu item from left (upper part of the window)

-> Map -> Map Properties

Tab -> Class Info
KeyValues -> sky_day01_07 (my gasworks sky)


Create some brushes or use/select existing brushes
Toggle Texture Application (Shift-A)
Choose browse
Type in toolsskybox in filter input (lower part)
Select the texture
(size 128x128, color skyblue and has the skybox all capitals in white)


Remember the light_enviroment property

F9 -> Compile -> Run Map

I Hope this helps
If not please give feedbak :-)

- Peter
Mike Barnard
2005-01-05 21:45:28 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:54:52 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Post by Mike Barnard
Hmmm. Gone through all the menus and googled and can't see where this
goes. Sigh...
I'll be patient - at least I will try to :-)
Need to be with me, lol.
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Open a mapfile or create a new one
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
KeyValues -> sky_day01_07 (my gasworks sky)
Assume you mean...

KeyValues > skybox_texturename > sky_day01_07.

Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Choose browse
Type in toolsskybox in filter input (lower part)
Select the texture
(size 128x128, color skyblue and has the skybox all capitals in white)
THIS is the bit I needed. Great, thanks. One would think that it'd
be in a basic tutorial somewhere, but as demand for Hammer increases
I'm sure there'll be more of them around.
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Remember the light_enviroment property
Got that, thanks.
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
F9 -> Compile -> Run Map
Yes, lots. Now I can experiment much more. Including with the 'map
properties' box!
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I Hope this helps
If not please give feedbak :-)
OK, "feedback" is the correct spelling! Lol... Again, thanks.
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
- Peter
<No offense intended mode on...>

You realise your signature seperator is wrong? Should be dash dash
space return, then your sig data. That way newsreaders can cut out
the sig automaticly when people reply.

Regards from The Pizza Man -UK-

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Mike Barnard
2005-01-06 09:43:43 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:54:52 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I'll be patient - at least I will try to :-)
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I Hope this helps
Well, got the hang of that thanks. Must remember to make skys quite
high or thrown grenades still bounce off of it!
Regards from The Pizza Man -UK-

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-06 10:13:21 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
Well, got the hang of that thanks. Must remember to make skys quite
high or thrown grenades still bounce off of it!
take eg overwatch
If you throw items using the physcannon above the houses they'll bounce
Not very good :-)

- Peter
Mike Barnard
2005-01-06 12:18:28 UTC
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 11:13:21 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
Post by Mike Barnard
Well, got the hang of that thanks. Must remember to make skys quite
high or thrown grenades still bounce off of it!
take eg overwatch
If you throw items using the physcannon above the houses they'll bounce
Not very good :-)
- Peter
Well, I suppose there has to be a limit of some sort. Does it affect
the rendering speed (the 'r' speed?) if the sky bounding box is a
loooooong way away?

I'm gona write up a brief tutorial using my very limited knowledge.
Cast your eyes over it when I post it? :)
Regards from The Pizza Man -UK-

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Peter Lykkegaard
2005-01-06 12:34:53 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
Well, I suppose there has to be a limit of some sort. Does it affect
the rendering speed (the 'r' speed?) if the sky bounding box is a
loooooong way away?
Well They could put it trailing the back of the buildings and added the null
texture on top of the ruff - that might have done it
But well that gives room for rocketjumping etc so you need to take that into
Post by Mike Barnard
I'm gona write up a brief tutorial using my very limited knowledge.
Cast your eyes over it when I post it? :)
Please - catch me on windows messenger, aghl or just send it :-)

- Peter

2005-01-06 10:13:55 UTC
Post by Mike Barnard
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:54:52 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I'll be patient - at least I will try to :-)
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I Hope this helps
Well, got the hang of that thanks. Must remember to make skys quite
high or thrown grenades still bounce off of it!
Hi Mike,

Is there any chance you can post brief instructions on making a sky? Or
point me to a tutorial?
Mike Barnard
2005-01-06 12:19:25 UTC
Post by Joe
Post by Mike Barnard
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:54:52 +0100, "Peter Lykkegaard"
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I'll be patient - at least I will try to :-)
Post by Peter Lykkegaard
I Hope this helps
Well, got the hang of that thanks. Must remember to make skys quite
high or thrown grenades still bounce off of it!
Hi Mike,
Is there any chance you can post brief instructions on making a sky? Or
point me to a tutorial?
Gonna write one up soon. Very little experience so far, but I think I
see the way of it. Watch out for a new thread here.
Regards from The Pizza Man -UK-

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